Children and Youth Olympics 2024

The Children and Youth Olympics in the South Bohemian Region 2024 will be held from June 23, 2024 to June 27, 2024. The event will feature 20 sports and is expected to have around 4,000 participants. The mascot for the event is the otter.

Official website:

Canoeing: Will be held from June 24, 2024 to June 27, 2024 at the Vodácké centrum České Budějovice. The event will feature two disciplines: Sprint and Slalom.

The competition categories:

  • Older female students (born in 2010-2011)
  • Older male students (born in 2010-2011)
  • Younger female students (born in 2012-2013)
  • Younger male students (born in 2012-2013)

Each region can nominate a maximum of 2 racers in each category and 2 accompanying persons, for a total of 10 persons per region. Only racers nominated by their respective regions based on their permanent residence can participate in the competition. Older students are required to participate in all disciplines + (K1, C1), while younger students can participate according to their abilities.

The planned disciplines:

  • Slalom: Upper USD track – rapids 1, 2, end above the bridge. During the competition, the surf wave will not be functional, and the first rapid will be adapted to the competition. The Czech CUP will be held on this track on the weekend before the Children and Youth Olympics.
  • Sprint: Upper USD track – starting pool + rapids 1, 2. During the competition, the surf wave will not be functional, and the first rapid will be adapted to the competition. There will be an option to choose a boat.
  • Kayak Cross: Main slalomcourse under the bridge. The race will be held on packrafts. From May, it will be possible to borrow packrafts for training for free at the Vodácké centrum ČB for expected participants of the Children and Youth Olympics. The organizer will provide packrafts for the race. The rules of the race will be set by the organizer.
  • C2mix Cross: Main racing channel under the bridge. From May, it will be possible to borrow barracks for training racers for the Children and Youth Olympics again at our rental. The organizer will provide barracks for the race. The rules of the race will be set by the organizer.

The South Bohemian Region is responsible for the accommodation and catering of competitors and coaches. There will be no accommodation on the canal, but hostels in the vicinity of ČB. Our camp and hostel will be available for accommodation.

Here is the schedule for the event:

DateDay of the WeekEventMedals
2024-06-24MondayTraining on the race track – SPRINT + SLALOMN/A
2024-06-25TuesdaySLALOM races for individuals8 sets of medals
2024-06-26WednesdaySLALOM races for teams + KAYAK CROSS8 sets of medals
2024-06-27ThursdaySPRINT races for individuals + teams + C2mix CROSS14 sets of medals

Results will be announced by category within 30 minutes after the end of all categories. The medals and diplomas will be awarded according to the overall ODM program. Competitors in 1st – 3rd place will receive a medal and diploma, competitors in 4th – 6th place will receive a diploma and mascot.

Medical service will be provided throughout the races.

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